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 is a new vibrant health and safety consultancy designed and managed by Tony Richardson (CFIOSH).


Tony has 25 years practical hands - on experience as a Health, Safety and Welfare specialist.

Tony Richardson,

Tony started his health and safety career as a Health and Safety representative in the Manufacturing and Printing industry, moved into Local Authority safety work and then Further Education and training.


Tony has managed and lectured in Health and Safety across a wide range of vocations including engineering, motor vehicle repair, catering, hair and beauty, wet trades, ceramics, and advised on a variety of activities including trips and visits home and abroad and outside events.


Tony holds the Nebosh Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety, TUC Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety and is a Chartered Fellow of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CFIOSH).


He also holds an Honours Degree in Education, Certificate in Education and is Secretary of South Downs IOSH Branch.

Tony Richardson Chartered Health and Safety Practitioner

Health & Safety Training Services


Tony is a qualified lecturer and trainer who holds the City & Guilds Level 4 Stages one and two Certificates in Further Education, a University of Brighton Certificate in Post-compulsory Education and a University of Brighton Honours Degree in Professional Education Studies.


Tony has a wide range of health and safety knowledge and experience in managing health and safety across a variety of disciplines. To enhance his role as a safety practitioner he has completed a number of additional health and safety studies including;


Fire risk assessment, Managing risk, Compressed gases, COSHH management, Evacuation chair training, PASMA, First-aid, Fire marshal, Display screen equipment, Manual handling, Asbestos awareness, Control of legionella, Vetting of employers, noise assessment.

Tony Richardson Registered Consultant

No one wants to hurt people or get hurt at work and getting health and safety management right also makes good business sense.


Accidents and illnesses can be costly both financially and reputationally.


If you are an employer, then  under health and safety legislation you have to “appoint one or more competent persons to assist” with health and safety.


Making sure you get good professional assistance can save you time and money in the long run. IOSH have produced a useful booklet giving guidance on how to secure the right safety expertise.

Getting help with health and safety

Tony is fully aware of the difficulties faced by companies during these financially challenging times.


His mission in setting up is to make health and safety easier to understand by offering practical,  sensible, cost-effective solutions to a wide range of health and safety management scenarios. has a dedicated network of like-minded  associates  with a wide range of expertise in business, industrial and vocational health and safety activities who are experienced in giving practical advice and support to ensure organisations are meeting their legal requirements.


Our experts can assist on larger health and safety projects, or can offer specialised health and safety assistance when required. can assist in carrying out audits and inspections of work places; equipment, working practices  and engaging with contractors. We can also produce reports and advise on any management actions required.


Sussex will also investigate accidents and incidents liaise with the relevant enforcement bodies and will provide regular updates to clients on the latest health and safety legislation, key case law and approved codes of practice to ensure they are fully aware of their legal obligations.

Risk Assessments

h9IvtqXZQLVrUqYsvQ57IXOTc7Y provides simple advice and guidance for organisations to help them manage their health and safety duties and legal obligations.


If you employ more than 4 people, you are  legally required to document your health and safety arrangements with a health and safety policy, and record the significant findings of your risk assessments. These may include topics such as:


Fire, manual handling, working at height, using chemicals, workplace transport, noise, slips and trips, using machinery & equipment, cash handling, new and expectant mums, lone working, electricity & Portable Appliance Testing, using VDUs and computer screens.


Contact to help you  carry out your risk assessments and provide the training you need to get to grips with your legal responsibilities. is a highly qualified and professional service designed to help and support organisations and businesses - no matter how large or small - with their complex legal health, safety and welfare responsibilities.

Health & Safety Consultancy, Information & Management




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